

Marketing Strategy

We have designed and catered a blueprint of our company Strategy that aligns our mission and vision. We differentiate our self by balancing our portfolio with Generic and Innovative activities, combining local customer responsiveness with a "global edge" and successfully managing to increase profitable growth and complexity.

We streamline our organization by;

  • Diversify business stream line & product Portfolio.
  • Identify opportunities and grab them.
  • Offer our customers a reliable, efficient and long lasting service.     
  • Train & Improve our human resource competency.
  • Consolidate our communication and relationship with suppliers.
  • Source and develop quality products at competitive prices.
  • Make competition irrelevant.


Luxury & Popular Trading P.L.C

Mexico infront of DeAfric Hotel,
Tadesse Tefera Bldg,
2nd Floor Suite 201
P: (251) 115508902/112130158
M:(251) 910321800
F:(251) 115537130
po: 1021  Addis ababa , Ethiopia