Finance department provides strategic business planning, budgeting, cash flow forecasting, record and analyzing financial activities, auditing and cost control as well as a wide range of financial and management reporting. Through its key functions, the finance management team provides accounting, procurement services and supervision in key decision making processes to maximize profitability and minimize operating costs, monitor working capital requirements and bank accounts, conduct investment analysis and manage insurance coverage to safe-guard asset values.
Marketing Strategy
We have designed and catered a blueprint of our company Strategy that aligns our mission and vision. We differentiate our self by balancing our portfolio with Generic and Innovative activities, combining local customer responsiveness with a "global edge" and successfully managing to increase profitable growth and complexity.
We streamline our organization by;
- Diversify business stream line & product Portfolio.
- Identify opportunities and grab them.
- Offer our customers a reliable, efficient and long lasting service.
- Train & Improve our human resource competency.
- Consolidate our communication and relationship with suppliers.
- Source and develop quality products at competitive prices.
- Make competition irrelevant.
Key To Success
- Good communication through telephone, E-mail and visiting exhibitions, suppliers and customers.
- Exposure to the market
- Good customers relationship management
- Efficient management of cash through a reliable accounting system
- Knowledge of products
- Adequate and appropriate storage facilities
- Quick customers response
Line of Bussiness
Luxury and Popular Trading Private Limited Company Imports and distributes different types of merchandise items. The company has also a plan to engage in manufacturing and export businesses. The main products that the company importing currently are below.
Quality, consistency, State-of-the-art facilities, on-time delivery and Innovation are key features where Luxury & popular Trading plc shines. We deal with the following Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) at the moment and pride our self in being the exclusive agent for most of them.
Spaghetti, Macaroni, Soft and hard coverexercise book, Envelopes, Photo copy paper, vegetable oil, BeautySoaps, Laundry soap, Multipurpose soap, Medicare Soap, Dish wash Liquid soap, Laundry Liquid soap, Detergent & Dry cell Battery, It is just a start, of Luxury & Popular trading the list is progressively increasing and the network is broadening year by year.
- Transparency
- Respect
- Accountability
- Diversity
- Excellence
Believe in Integrity and superior quality service to everyone and every time. Dealing with transparency, we learn the need of time and innovate accordingly. We target Highest Level of Customer Satisfaction and Excellence through our Teamwork. We have a goal to be the first choice of supplier; we are endeavoring for it and achieving it. Our success lies in the leadership of our management, the skills and devotion of our people, the quality of our offerings and our focus on customers and patients.